Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Collaborative Learning

A big part of learning math and science is to discuss your ideas with other people and to ask questions, lots of questions.

I have tried to emphasize to our students that asking questions and working together is a strength. It's NOT a weakness to ask someone a question or to need help. It's great when you take control of your learning and talk with someone when you don't understand something. As a teacher, I do it with other teachers all the time.

I took this picture because I was so happy to see that someone had asked for help and to see that the two students were working together to solve a problem. Nice work!

Who is someone you have recently asked for help? In what way did they help you? 


  1. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    I was helping Evyn with comparing fractions on Khan Academy. I’m pretty sure she can tell what fraction is greater than, Less than, or equal too another fraction.
    From, Izabelle

  2. to talented artist

    My artist drew a barn owl I drew a snowy. I like his lots but I also like mine. I thank you for drawing an owl to. I enjoyed doing my art for you to make copy. You are talented artist.


    1. Dear Liam,
      I didn't do the Art Walk because I wasn't here at the time, but I wish I could've been! It sounds like so much fun, and what a great idea! I wish I could have seen your owl, too.
      From, Sam


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