Sunday, February 27, 2011


While studying angles, dimensions, perimeter, and area, lines that are parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular, and the various types of quadrilaterals, students took some time to create creatures and objects entirely out of polygons. They were also able to identify each of the important properties and attributes of the items mentioned above.   


  1. Dear Mr. Pahl ,

    I like what you’ve done with the geocreatures. You made it have a lot of tune in it. I also like the music in it. It gave the video a lot of sound.

    Lightning Bolt

  2. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    The geo creatures ‘are amazing! I liked that they were really colorful.


  3. Dear Mr. Pahl,

    I wonder how every geo Creatures don and made a video like that? Can you answer.


  4. Hi Bugman,

    I don't understand your question. Would you try asking it again in a different way? I miss you all.

    Mr. Pahl

  5. Dear Mr. Pahl

    I think that making the geocreatures was a blast.

    from MrAwesome

  6. Mr. Awesome,
    I agree! In addition to being fun, I hope it helped you learn more about geometry! I miss you! We'll have a lot of fun next week and beyond with all the new things I have learned about this week! Have a good weekend.
    Mr. Pahl

  7. Dear Mr. Pahl,

    I liked how you put up the video of our geo creatures. When we did them during math it did not feel like math but felt like math at the same time.

  8. Dear Class,
    I love the geocreatures and i love the music. We should do more stuff like this someday.

    Shark Fin

  9. Dear Mr.Pahl

    It’s so cool how you did the GeoCreatures! I wonder if you can make one about are
    Spirograph designs that we did with Ms.B.


  10. Dear Mr. Pahl,

    The geocreature video is amazing. I like the music because it went good with video and geocreatures.
    From, Lightning bolt


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