Thursday, February 9, 2012

Reading Minutes Update!

If you follow our blog, then you know that I have made a promise to the class. If they read 200,000 minutes between September and June 1, I will spend a night on the roof of the school. I have made this agreement with classes I have taught in the past, but none of them have quite risen to the occasion. This group of students is...different. Today is the last day of the first semester, the half way point through the school year, and up to this point, this AWESOME group of students has read a total of

Custom Glitter Text

Wow. We are only half way through the school year, and they have read more than half of the minutes they need to reach their goal. This class might actually do it. Stay tuned!


  1. Great Job!!!!!!! Keep it up you guys.


  2. Dear class, I think we are going to make it because our class has been reading so much this year. The year is almost done so... I know that we will get at least 1,2 or 3 numbers away from our goal. Thank you and me for reading so much this year. Keep reading

    from, Sa`mya

  3. Mr.Pahl, are you really going to sleep on the roof of the school if the class get the total reading minutes?
    Well if you do try to bring a video camara.


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