Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Multiplication Facts

Different people have many different ways of learning their basic math facts. I had to learn my multiplication facts in the 3rd grade. I got grounded because I hadn't learned them yet, and I had to write them all down several times until I had them commited to memory. If there was a fact I didn't know, my dad sent me back to my room to fill yet another piece of paper with 8 x 7 = 56. It took about 4 days without TV or playing with friends, but it sure did the trick.

Now that I'm a teacher, I got to thinking..."THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY."

There are many shortcuts, rhymes you can write, memory tricks, and other good learning strategies you can use to learn these basic facts. We will discuss them in class. It's important that you really understand what 7 x 6 = 42 means, but it's also important just to have the facts memorized in your head. You have to learn letter sounds in order to read words, and you have to learn your basic math facts in order to complete more complex math problems. To help you memorize your basic multiplication facts, my students from last year and I created these Animoto videos. I hope you will watch them often, and I hope you learn your facts very soon. Make it a goal to learn all these facts by the end of October if you don't know them already.

We'll also make them for the 4's and 12's and get them up here soon.









1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    I think the viedos are really helping me with my multiplaction facts. I heve bin getting really good at them.


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