Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mars is Visible in the East

We have been really lucky in the last few months with spectacular star gazing.

Venus made an appearance for several weeks in the southwest sky earlier in winter.

By ESO/Y. Beletsky [CC-BY-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Jupiter has been big, bright, and beautiful in the sky, and Orion has also appeared wonderfully in the south.


By Matthew Spinelli (NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Collection) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

I hope you have had a chance to see these gorgeous celestial bodies in our night sky. 

Mars is now also visible. It is said the next few nights are going to be some of the best viewing opportunities of the year. 



  1. Dear 4th graders,
    Did anyone see Venus, Jupiter, or Mars in the last few months? I didn't know they were visible recently, but I'll have to take a look in the future!
    -Leah from Mr. Pahl's WWU class

  2. Hi 4th Graders!

    My mom would always point out the planets and constellations of the night sky for me. It is really cool to be able to find them now! One thing that has always been hard for me is finding the Ursa Minor--the Little Dipper. Do any of you have any tips for finding constellations?

    I'll be out star-gazing on clear nights, will you?

    ~Katie (from Mr. Pahl's WWU class)


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