Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hour of Code - Scratch Holiday Cards

During the Hour Of Code, students created holiday cards using the Scratch tutorial. Here are some of the projects created by students in the afternoon class:

This is Sarah M.'s card. Click on the little polar bear in between the two cabins.

This is Charlize's card. Click on the green flag!

This is Ellis' card. Turn on your speakers. Click on the green flag!

This is Anny's card. Click on the green flag!

This is Danny's card. Turn on your speakers. Click on the green flag!


  1. Good job everybody! I liked your card Ellis because the witches.
    From, Maximus

  2. Dear, Ellis

    I liked you’re video it is funny


    1. Dear Sebastian C.
      Why did you think that Ellis’s holiday card was funny? Did something make it Funny?
      From: Anny


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