Monday, October 7, 2013

Scintillating Seeds!

Emily from Common Threads Farm was back with a lesson about seeds.

First, students, observed, compared, and sorted several seeds.

Next, they were engaged in a great conversation about where seeds come from, how they travel, and how they can be used as a food source or used to make more plants! As I sit here working on this, birds are making good use of the sunflower seeds on the plants in my yard. 

Finally, students observed and dissected a lima bean. 

Then they drew it and labeled its parts. Something like this: 

Please comment! What is something new you learned about seeds? What is knowledge or experience you have with seeds you can share with the class? What did you learn about how seeds travel? How DO seeds travel: fly, swim, walk? What is something else you would like to learn about seeds?


  1. Common Threads Farm is such a great resource and aspect of our community! I know that one way seeds travel is by animals. When an animal eats something with seeds in it, such as berries, the seeds leave the animal through their waste which distributes them. I'd love to hear some of the ways that you've learned how seeds travel!

    Mr. Pahl's WWU IT student

  2. We were just learning about seeds in my science education class! The questions posted to us in our class were: Are seeds alive? What makes you think so? What does it mean to be alive? I am very interested to hear what you think!

    Mr. Pahl's WWU student

  3. I was just thinking about seeds the other day when I was cutting down the last of the sunflowers in our garden. I had planted them this summer, and had many seeds to eat! I wondered, what makes some seeds good for us to eat? Are all seeds healthy to eat? I'm especially excited to roast pumpkin seeds in a few weeks! What other seeds do you eat?
    Mr. Pahl's WWU student

  4. Dear friends I read the book called bone by Jeff Smith." I like how the soldier said ‘the head master requests your presence.Instead of saying the head master whants you"


  5. It is so cool to see how such a tiny seed can turn into a plant or vegetable! I have planted flower seeds before and watched them grow in the Spring time. I have never looked very closely at seeds before, so it was fun to see pictures from the investigation you all did on the lima beans. I do have a few questions about seeds for your class. Are all seeds safe to eat? What conditions do seeds need to grow?

    Mr. Pahl's WWU student


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