Sunday, October 27, 2013

Garden Time Again

We have been really lucky with weather this month. It has meant more time outside in the garden. Today, Emily and Tara came to share a tasty Mint Lemonade recipe with us and help us to harvest and sample swiss chard and kohlrabi from the garden.

Please comment! Which do YOU prefer: kohlrabi or swiss chard or both? Why?
What's been the best part of having a garden at school so far?


  1. Hello!
    It has been really fun to see the 4th graders work in the garden. I think it is a very important opportunity for students who may not have a garden at home to experience the process of growing food! I had never tasted kohlrabi, but I'm glad that I had the chance to sample it during garden time.
    Thanks for all your hard work Emily!
    Ms. Binderup

  2. I rather have to eat for a snack is kohlrabi because it tastes like radish and I like radish. The kohlrabi is a little sour for some kids.But other kids may think it is mostly sour and it is sour but for me it seems a little sweet. I do not like the swiss chard because it is way to sour for me and other kids are not a fan of swiss chard.

  3. Dear 4th graders,

    I would rather have moth Swiss chard and Kohlrabi to make the Swiss chard taste sweet I ate bit by bit and the Kohlrabi just tasted sweet.


  4. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    The thing I like about the garden is that we can eat the food in it if the school is giving it out at lunch because the kids picked it and the school wants the kids to have a healthy lunch.
    From, Benjamin

  5. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    I love this video because it inspires us to go into our one garden and try to eat every plant in site; that is if my mom doesn't catch me eating the strawberries.


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