Thursday, February 21, 2013

What's Happening At The Pacific Science Center?


  1. I am really excited for the science festival because I love science and this is one of the best chances to see science in action!
    From, Linnea

    1. Dear Linnea,
      You are so right! I am also exited for the science festival, because I also like seeing live science in action. Hopefully I can go. Happy Blogging!
      From, Gavin

    2. Dear Gavin,
      I also am so exited for the science festval! I just can not wait! Because I love science and doing crazy experiment! Don't you?

    3. Dear Gavin,
      I'm also very excited for the science fair! I can't wait. I really hope I can go!

  2. Dear classmates, there are lots of amazing things about the Pacific Science Center (PSC), studying about the body, blowing hydrogen and dry ice bubbles, observing, comparing and contrasting, and all of the amazing science you could think of! If you were one of the scientists in the PSC, what would you experiment with? What is your favorite kind of experiment at the PSC assembly? My favorite kind of experiment was the dry ice bubbles, looking like a white gelatin bubble as the scientists held it. Just to say, anyone can be a scientist!
    Sincerely, Fiona

  3. Dear Mr.Pahls class,
    I agree the festival sounds very amazing. I wish I could go.
    Sincerely, Brionna (Devins Cousin)


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