Friday, February 1, 2013

Family Blogging Month!

February is 
free glitter text and family website at

Blogging is a terrific way for students to practice authentic, purposeful reading and writing. It is also a great way to involve families more directly in students' learning opportunities at school. 

We are inviting all family members (everyone really: friends, neighbors, family friends, your dog...) to check out our blog a little more and maybe Facebook a little less. We hope you come back often. 

Leave us comments on what you think about our learning, things you liked about the post or project and why, give your own ideas and opinions about what we're studying, ask us questions, or reply to comments we have already made. 

Students are learning to write in proper "friendly letter" format, so they hope you will try to model that for them. On our blog, we appreciate high quality writing, so we do not use text language, emoticons, or "Facebook shorthand." 

Blogs help students improve both the content of their writing as well as writing conventions; please be sure to re-read what you have written and correct any mistakes before you publish your comment. The students have been taught a useful "trick." They type comments in to a Word document or Google Doc first, and then read over them carefully before copying and pasting the comments into the blog.

Welcome to the Be Good Humans Blog. There will be another post about Family Blogging Month next week!


  1. Dear Class,
    I have been trying my best to start commenting the blog more and its going really well. I know that everybody in room 12 can forget facebook and comment on the blog more!

    1. Dear Karoline,
      I am also trying my best to use the blog more. I heard in class that you went blog crazy and when I got home I started bloging. By the way how many comments did you make?
      From, Gavin

    2. Dear Karoline,
      I forgot to tell you that I am also going blog crazy. I am also trying to catch up to you in comments. Happy bloging.
      From, Gavin

    3. Hi Karoline,
      It's great that you are commenting so much on the blog. Way to get us going! I hope that the more we do it, the more people have spending time here. I also know that it has ALREADY improved some aspects of everyone's writing because I can SEE IT!
      Thank you,
      Mr. Pahl

    4. Dear Gavin,
      That night I made about 12 comments! How many comments have you made so far? I’m still blog crazy like you and I’m trying to get my family to comment on the blog, they said that they would one day this week! What about your parents? Are they going to comment on the blog one day?

    5. Dear Mr. Pahl,
      Thank you very much! I thought that I would comment more on the blog because I wanted to give the class a head start like you said. Once again thank you.

    6. Dear Mr. Pahl,
      Thank you very much! I thought that I would comment more on the blog because I wanted to give the class a head start like you said. Once again thank you.

    7. Dear Karoline,
      I forgot to tell you, I just saw the chart and I am pumped to blog. Get ready to blog.
      From, Gavin

    8. Dear Karoline,
      I can not believe that February is almost over! I have had a lot of fun battling you and the class in blog comments, I hope that you also had fun doing. I also hope that whoever wins is posting quality comments. I am pretty sure that me or you are going to win but it would be interesting if someone beside me and you won. By I also wright " happy blogging " at the end of my comments. Happy blogging!
      Waiting to see who wins the blogging contest, Gavin

  2. Dear Class,
    I think Family Blogging month is a great opportunity to practice writing skills. Also to write what you thought about the topic or to ask questions about the topic.

    1. Sophia,
      You're right. It is a great way to practice writing, but it is also a unique opportunity to think and communicate more about what we are learning in class. Thank you for participating so much.
      Mr. Pahl

  3. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    I am really trying to win this bloging challenge. But it would be fun if we charted this stuff just to make it so we could see the progress.
    From, Gavin

    1. Hello Gavin,
      I am so glad you are working hard on the blog. It's not just about winning, of course, but about working to make our learning community stronger. Thank you for doing your part in the classroom and out! Yes, we will definitely be charting who comments and how much. Now we need to get some family members on here.
      Mr. Pahl

    2. Dear Mr.Pahl,
      You are right. The compitition is not just about winning but also about getting people to use the blog. I can not wait for the charts to go up so I can were I am at.
      From, Gavin

  4. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    I think we students need to learn to write. In a fun educational way and blogging does that. Also it's not for trying to win its also for leaning.
    Thank you,

  5. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    I think Family Blogging Month is a terrific idea, it improves our writing skills. My favorite part is that it is like the parents are doing a race on blogging!

  6. Dear Mr.Pahl,
    It was a good idea to put up the Family Blogging month on the sunny land room 12 blog. I hope you get a lot of comment and parent.
    By good luck

  7. Dear Friend,
    I hope you guys are putting a lot of comment for Mr.Pahl. Everybody want Mr.Pahl happy right? I now how to make him happy. Well put a lot of comment in the comment boxes right here were you put the comment.

  8. Dear Mr.Pahl,
    I very like that you put the blog up for me and the other adults.
    From:Donna mom penny and Donna Le

  9. Dear Class,
    I would really like to know how many comments we got at the end of February. I am also very excited about the competition.
    Sincerely, Devin

    1. Dear Devin,
      I think you meant to write "how many comments we GET by the end of February." You are right, this competition is very exciting. Your class is very lucky to have Mr. Pahl as a teacher. He sure keeps learning as interesting as possible for his students.
      Sincerely, Jag (Devin’s mom)

  10. Dear Class,
    I think it is wonderful that we are participating in family blogging month as a fun and educational way to get better at writing. I think it's fun because there are multiple posts that are entertaining to read and watch.

  11. Dear Mr Pahl and Rm 12 Class,
    I am impressed with what you have created on this website. I really like that I can get online and see the entire class' art projects and other work.
    One commment I have is, it may be nice if you added a preamble to some of the Animoto videos (or other software/media that you use) to explain what you created and how.
    For example, for the Wordles(TM) you created for MLK, it would be interesting if you added an explanatory slide first about Wordles and how they are created. For the Northwest First Nations Art, a few words about Mrs. Heywood and the methods you used would improve and deepen the oberserver's experience. I would be happy to help you create those explantions (no unsupported suggestions here!).
    Fiona (Phoebe's Mom)

  12. Dear Mr.Pahl and room 12,
    I hope your like blog so far that Mr.Pahl have. I think Mr.Pahl did a very great on it. He put a work on it and use our learning on the blog that we did. Also Mr.Pahl I like the blog you made for this February.

  13. Dear Room 12,
    I really enjoy looking at all of your hard work through pictures and videos! Looks like you have all had an exciting and educational fourth grade so far! I look forward to being able to keep up to date on all of your posts.
    Sincerely, Tami (Avery's Mom)

  14. Hi Mr. Pahl,
    I have been frequenting the class blog, but have failed to realize that it is equally important to comment on the blog, so that Room 12 gets the recognition and encouragement they deserve. I will make it a point to leave more comments.
    Sincerely, Jag (Devin’s mom)

  15. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    Why is Family Blogging Month so important? Is this the only year you have done it? Please comment back.
    From, Austin

  16. Dear Mr.Pahl,
    Karoline has been asking everyday for me to blog. I have visited but fail to leave comments. I will try to visit more often and comment as well. I do believe it's a fantastic and fun way to improve their writing skills.
    Suzanne ( Karoline's Mom)

  17. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    I am very new to blogging so this will be a good experience for me. I love learning from my 4th grader! Thanks for all you do.
    Kori (Linnea's mom)

  18. Dear Mr.Pahl,
    I hope you are enjoying the comment in the blog that family did and students did.
    Also I hope you the best and enjoy the comment. Just one more question why do you love technology so much?

  19. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    I hope you are enjoying the comment in the blog that family did and students did. Also I hope you the best and enjoy the comment. Just one more question why do you love technology so much?
    Sincerely, Donna

  20. Hi Mr. Pahl,
    I enjoy the blog and so does my family. They said that they will comment in the blog. But they didn't because they have so much work. They didn't ever have time.
    From, Donna

  21. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    I was thinking and I got this in my head. When did you start getting the idea to put up the Family blog?
    Sincerely, Donna

  22. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    Is it true you love teaching technology and being a great teacher? Why I am saying that you are a great teacher? You are an amazing teacher. Enjoy the comment.
    Sincerely, Donna

  23. Dear Friends and Families and Mr. Pahl,
    I hope you guys are enjoying the blog. I hope you guys put great comments in the boxes. That will make Mr. Pahl happy.
    Sincerely, Donna

  24. Dear Mr. Pahl,
    I was just saying to my parents about the blog again and they were pretty happy about the blog. Also my older sister asked why did you put this blog up? Also she asked is this the first year you put up the February Blogging Month? And also she even asked is this important to you?
    Sincerely, Donna


We love it when you leave us a comment!

Please be sure your comment is interesting for others to read and that it somehow adds to the conversation. Be sure to read it after you type it. Does it say what you want it to say? Is it correctly written and spelled?

Please use ONLY your first name when commenting. You may also tell us where you are from or whether you know someone in our class. Examples: From, John, Mr. Pahl's friend, or From, Dawn, Nik's mom, or Sincerely, Mary, a student in Mr. Salsich's class.

Just below the Comment Box is a drop down menu. Select "Anonymous" from the choices; it is the last choice on the list. Then click "Post Comment." In order for your comment to be approved and posted, you should see a message highlighted in yellow that says "Your comment will appear after moderation." If you see a red line after you click Post Comment, your comment did not go through for some reason. Try it again until you see the message highlighted in yellow.

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