Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Students For Salmon Field Trip

Our fourth graders, their teachers, and a few brave volunteers ventured out in a downpour to plant trees near Squalicum Creek as part of our Students For Salmon Program with Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association.

This is part of an effort to improve the Squalicum Creek watershed by restoring the riparian zone along the creek.

The students learned how to properly dig a hole for a tree, set the tree in the hole, and mulch the area around the tree. They worked in teams to plant over 50 native trees and shrubs, and then mulch them as well.

Thanks to our volunteers and of course to N-SEA for a great field trip despite the cold and the rain. We had a great time.


  1. Dear class,
    I liked the students for salmon field trip. It was fun, but our group got to plant one tree. But luckily got to help people. But on the other hand it was a down pour! There were puddles everywhere you could slip very easily. But it was a muddy field trip.
    From Eli

    1. Dear Eli,
      I totally agree. It was fun but it probably wasn't the best day to go and plan trees for the salmon. Did you see those kids that were under the barn washing their hands off in the water from the gutter?

    2. Dear Eli,
      I totally agree. It was fun but it probably wasn't the best day to go and plan trees for the salmon. Did you see those kids that were under the barn washing their hands off in the water from the gutter?

  2. Dear Mr.pahl,
    How cold were you? And how did some of the trees help the salmon but the tree were not even close to the creek?


  3. Dear 4th graders
    Yes it was fun on the field trip for students for salmon! I hope we could do something like that again.


  4. Dear 4th graders,
    We worked really hard planting those trees for the salmon. It was a great experience but we did have to change our clothes because they were really dirty.

  5. Dear fourth graders,
    We all did a very good job for the salmon. Maybe later in the year we can help someone else or something?
    Sincerely, Ellis

  6. Dear 4th graders,
    I rely liked the video! Everyone looked like they were doing hard work. Also, everyone looked like they had ether just been swimming or they had just hoped out of the shower!

  7. Dear, Mr. Pahl
    I am not a fan of fish but learning about salmon is so much fun. I have already learned a lot. But I can’t to learn more about salmon.
    From Kayden,

  8. Hi 4th graders!
    I can't believe we were outside for so long when it was POURING rain! It was great to see so many students working hard to plant their trees and help clean up. Plus, no one got accidentally conked with a shovel because everyone was following safety instructions. Maybe next time we do this we can go out during the summer!
    Ms. B


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