Wow, Sunnyland was one of 56,082 schools across the world who participated in World Maths Day in the 48 hours surrounding March 1, 2011. 66 of Sunnyland's students took the challenge, and - do you believe this? - answered 38,876 math questions correctly! Fantastic work everyone.
On a side note, I was just on the site, and it looks like you can still log in and practice with other students around the world if you are interested. Use the same username and password that you used for the event.
Bebeck was also very excited about World Spelling Day. He spelled 879 words correctly! Outstanding work, Bebeck!
Please comment! What was most fun about World Maths Day? Did you learn anything? Should I do this with the students I teach again next year? If so, is there anything we should do differently?